This website links to a huge number of historical goldfields maps, selected because they display useful information regarding the location of reefs, leads, diggings, mining operations, and geological features. These maps are provided by the National Library of Australia and various State Libraries, who have digitised them and made them available to view online for free.
This directory makes it easier to find historical goldfields maps for specific regions without having to sort through a large number of other maps (town allotment, roads, aerial survey, etc) in the library catalogues.
From our home page you can navigate through to a state page (VIC, NSW, WA). On these pages you will find a collection of links to state-wide goldfields maps, along with links to specific towns/regions. Towns/regions have their own pages, if you click through to them you will find list of historical maps for that specific area.
When you click a link to a map, it will take you to the relevant digitised map, available to view online for free. Once you’ve clicked through, most of the maps will display immediately. If the map does not load and display on the page then look for a ‘view online’ or ‘available online’ link to display the map.